Combating Child Labor Project “Project of Hope” Through increasing quality and access to affordable education for poor children and skills training for poor youth and women, this project aims to give a concrete possibility of social and economic empowerment to the adults of tomorrow and to all their families.
Community-Based Child Protection Committees, working hands in hands with the Institute of Bien Etre Social et de Recherches “IBESR” along with Centre d’Education Speciale (Center of Special Education) which is the Ministry of Education’s branch for children who need special Aid. Through them, job fairs and job placement assistance will be available for all graduates.
This community approach is based on the argument that building community consensus against restavèk can prevent and reverse the flow of children into child labor, and to take preventive action with their neighbors, support the return and reintegration of these children.
The project focuses its efforts in Port au Prince, Cape-rouge, Jacmel and Custine the poorest section in Cavaillon in southern Haiti.
The overall goal of this project is to allow overage students to complete the standard six-year primary school curriculum in three years, while teaching them a skills, and livelihoods interventions that integrate food and household security components to match the community’s will to protect children while keeping them at home.
How Can You Help
YOU can brighten and save a child’s future by helping him or her return to school, and succeed.
Your donation will empower our efforts to provide these life-giving resources to those who need it most.