In September of 1998 Hurricane Georges had just wreaked havoc on Haiti, leaving 167,332 homeless. Bon Berger Orphanage lost everything with 54 children losing home, food, and school. They were trying to stay alive in unbelievably subhuman conditions. Four year later Senator Mike DeWine of Ohio came to Haiti and visited the site observed the devastation, and recommended USAID/CENH grant funds to At Risk Children Foundation to do the reconstruction.
ARCF immediately brought hope to the children by rehabilitating dormitories, kitchen, and depot. It also obtained food donations from Catholic Relief Services and Food for the Poor. The United Methodist Committee on Relief” UMCOR” provided clothing; the local business community also donated goods such as linen and kitchen utensils. The children rejoiced in all this help from the ministrations of ARCF.
Dignitaries like Bill Richardson, US ambassador to the UN, Lesly Swing, US ambassador to Haiti and Susan Scatiaty of CNN visited to praise the work of ARCF, and admire the new spirit of the children.
SCB in rural Haiti.